Sunday, December 1, 2013

Chapter outline (semi-spoiler free)

CHAPTER 0 – The Origin of The User
CHAPTER 1 – Awakening
CHAPTER 2 – The Tunnel
CHAPTER 3 – Surfaced
CHAPTER 4 – The Tour Guide
CHAPTER 5 – Hull of Darkness
CHAPTER 6 – Swine Eat Swine 
CHAPTER 7 – Blame
CHAPTER 8 – Ville of Illusion 
CHAPTER 9 – Deflection 
CHAPTER 10 – Agony of the Cowards 
CHAPTER 11 – Ogres' Aisle
CHAPTER 12 – The Technophiles of Palladius  
CHAPTER 13 – Advice From the Orgiophant
CHAPTER 14 – Mortispolis 
CHAPTER 15 – Kiss of Cozenage 
CHAPTER 16 – Asylum, At Last

CHAPTER 0 – The Origin of The User

Thirty page exposition, detailing the mechanics of the game and Roy’s background, which led to the game’s creation.

CHAPTER 1 – Awakening

The narrative begins when Roy awakens in the real world for the first time in almost twenty years. Most of his memories have long since been washed away by drugs, conditioning, and detachment and he does not know where he is. A strange man appears, and releases him from his isolation chamber, then bluntly lays on him everything that has happened and tries to convince Roy to come with him. Roy denies all that he is being told until the man, Exxe, shows him a pocket mirror. Roy has a psychotic break at the sight of himself and tries to run, but the perimeter of the manor is sealed. Sees the outside world and fully disassociates back to Valcadis.

CHAPTER 2 – The Tunnel

[Valcadis flashover scene one. The same recurring dream: the storm, the vast misty ocean, the small boat, he all alone. Then the flames, all is burning. Roy awakens on a bed. An old man and two children attend to him. Tells Roy he is sick, fevered, perhaps caused by majick, also that many ominous things have been happening since the eclipse. Roy sees the eclipse from his bedside window. a golden sunset, with a black orb over half. “Ardora, I’m afraid I don’t know that person. I’m sorry. You can stay here until your well. My daughter will take you wherever you need to go.”]

With Roy unconscious, the hegira begins without his consent. Exxe pulls Roy on a dolly through the underground access tunnel, leading off the property. Roy wakes and is given medicine for his psychological issues, and becomes somewhat more receptive, as Exxe opts for rhetoric to convince him to cooperate. Questions are asked and answers are given. Largely a dialogue based chapter. The two build a modicum of rapport, and though still confused, Roy partially comes to accept the parameters of his new reality.

CHAPTER 3 – Surfaced

Chapter documents the two hour drive south from the manor into the city. Descriptions of the post-collapse world, and a history of the collapse. More dialogue between Roy and Exxe. The two run out of gas a few miles out of Brooklyn, and proceed on foot towards downtown, specifically, Roy’s father’s skyscraper to rendezvous on the roof with the man who will help them. The streets are mostly desolate besides a few scattered vagrants, but are guarded by drones, still operational from before the collapse. Inside the building, more stragglers, on drugs, sick, dying, mad. Most ignore them. They take the stairs to the top floor where a deranged man attacks Roy. Exxe tries to fight him off, but cannot, and another man rescues them. Enter….

CHAPTER 4 – The Tour Guide

[Valcadis flashover, scene two. The strange woman on horseback. The storm. The mission recalled. Ganzer, I’m going to end you.The augur’s prophecy: "Beware of illusions, you carry a curse."]

Roy awakens from his fugue state. He is lying on a mat of cloth, and overhears the conversation between Exxe and another man with a strange voice. It is the man who killed his attacker. Information is divulged. An introduction to Sinlis. Roy has immediate trust issues with their new partner. The three enter the sewers and began their descent into Nether York.

CHAPTER 5 - Hull of Darkness

The hull consists of the sewers under NYC. This area is a brink, a fringe to the subcities, a safe way to navigate away from the populated subway tunnels. Sinlis describes it as like a limbo into hell that only men of a certain degree of madness would ever dare cross. It is pitch black, and they follow Sinlis who can see thanks to cyberoptic implants. No infrastructure, no occupants. Still no definitive action. Sinlis talks, tells a little about his past, though oblique and vague. He also summarizes  the underground to his unacquainted partners. Groups are segregated, and these pocketed nations are referred to sectors, spread between four levels of depth, their populations referred to as sects. There are nine sectors in all, and though the cultures of each sect are unique in their psychosocial mutations, all have a shared leitmotif of extremes and insanity.  Many are dangerous, do not allow passersthrough. Luckily they are primitive and dysfunctional in ways that can be exploited as weakness and Sinlis, familiar with the sectors of the first three tiers, assures safe passages until that point. However, he admits he has not ventured deeper and confesses that he has always been too frightened to go into the deep, final tier. There are several points of entry, known as portals, from the hull into the undercities of Nether York, none of which are preferable to the others. Sinlis chooses one, that he infers is the least dangerous. They come to the entry hatch, and go down, entering...

CHAPTER 6 – Swine Eat Swine

Tier one of Nether York. The subways system, the lawless people. a long horizontal hell hall of chaos and cannibalism. “Light violence” as sinlis calls it. Intro to these people, dumb brutes with crude mechanical technologies who live mostly in anarchy around the corridor of the rail tracks. Kind of a nod to cheesy eighties post-apocalyptic films such as mad max, escape from new York, the warriors, etc, though a realized and realistic culture based on that. They observe violence, though do not encounter it towards them. People here seem to recognize  respectively avoid Sinlis. They proceed through this area to the next, where they encounter their first threats of many to come.

CHAPTER 7 – Blame

 [Valcadis flashover scene two, part two. The User follows a river upstream, which has turned to blood, and continues through a forest of yellow leaves, before arriving at a verdant woods home to hermetical creatures.]

Tier two. Sector of the arm (aka The Law). The entrance is guarded, and there is a fight between Sinlis and the four defenders. They move on and come to a chamber hall where many citizens have conglomerated for some kind of a speech. The man giving the speech is the judge, who is the supreme leader of the arm. After the speech there is an execution. The crowd disbands and the three hide in the shadows. Sinlis deduces that the only way to get through the heavily defended sector, is to take the judge hostage.  In stealth they follow the judge to his residence, and wait to attack later. The house is guarded by two large men. One is drawn out and killed quietly. Sinlis takes his clothes and helmet and motions for the other guard to come over, is killed then. Judge is with really old, but in good shape. He notices roy, that he is weak, scared, and having psyche issues. Begins to question and mess with his head. Sinlis beats the judge to silence, though he has already gotten to Roy.

The trio is near the outskirts when they are met by a new enemy: agile, armed technohumanoids called wraders, which have been dispatched by the arm to kill them. There are six of them, and each an ability that matches that of Sinlis. History of the wraders.  The three must work together to survive and get to the next sector. Roy is called into action and kills one. At the edge of the sector, Sinlis kills the judge before the trio barely escape the final two pursuing wraders, and enter…

CHAPTER 8 – Ville of Illusion

They seal the border entrance and are safe from threats. This sector is an abandoned city known as the the ville of illusion, what was once home to a sect of neurotics / artists – though now defunct culture that exist now only as archaeological ghosts, memories through portraits, really creepy ones, with books (illuminated manuscripts), thousands of pages, illustrated that have a chronicle of their lives before the collapse. Now there is only one man there, the reminders drove the rest of them crazy, some killed themselves, others fled and were killed, most joined other sectors. While there are no dangers, the place is very creepy, and unnerving especially to Roy, as the sector was constructed like a house of mirrors to mimick the old days above ground, before the collapse.

They come to a chapel, a kind of inner shrine of the past, where they encounter the sole survivor of this group. He is schizophrenic and engages Roy with crazy talk, that seems like a warning or prophecy. Sinlis kills him, but not before Roy’s sense of trust and reality is dislodged. That night they rest and Roy hears a whispering voice call him away from the camp. He lies and says he need sto pee, then follows it unto an artificial lake, where he is met by bloody schizo-mole man from before, who rants about set-ups and illusions, causing Roy to detach for a third time.

CHAPTER 9 – Deflection

 [Valcadis flashover, scene three. The storm has passed and the eclipse has waxed, covering nearly three fourths of the sun. Roy begins an ascent through the strange villages and up a mythical mountain of doom, following the trails of Ganzer, who has Ardora and clues suggest he seems to be taking her to play a part in some sacrifice. Enemies await in a mysterious forest. Ardora appears, or so it seems]

Exxe and Sinlis find Roy naked and unconscious, and Roy awakens with distrust and anger towards them. Believes they are not real or are using him. He leaves on his own. Exxe tries to stop him, but Sinlis says to let him go, that he will be back. This is a very introspective chapter, a psychological study on Roy’s current state of mind as well as his deepest subconscious fears, that will continue to be unearthed in later chapters. He wanders to the edge, where he hears terrible noises that frighten him and has no choice but to go back .

CHAPTER 10 – Agony of the Cowards

They head back in the opposite direction into a sect occupied by the fools or the cowards, a group of people who unknowingly migrated themselves into a corner and exist as passive prey for the surrounding predatory sects.  They live in a state of perpetual fear and mental foundering, almost in a state of paralysis. They live in hiding, and have little or no culture. They are raided and massacred by a group from the lower sect, who excavate their grottos and devour them in Saturn-esque gore. Though there was attempt made to avoid such a route, the sector has expanded, and they must cross into the territory of these golem like people. Enter...

CHAPTER 11 – Ogres' Aisle 

The third tier. Sector of the ogres, the freaks – omnivorous, psychologically mutated heathens. Mortal monsters whose evil is not systematic, but primal and regressive. Roy sees yet paralled horrors here. There are feasts of blood and it becomes aware that this sector is where the screams from before originated from. Humans, mostly from the sect of fools, are kept chained and imprisoned, where they are eaten. Much action ensues before a rockslide separates Roy from the group. Alone he is met again with the ghost of the schizo-mole man, and is jettisoned further towards insanity. Another very introspective/psychologically probing chapter into Roy. Leads into the lower third tier....

CHAPTER 12 – The Technophiles of Palladius

[Valcadis flashover, scene four. Nearing the summit, there is a blizzard and The User must take shelter. Afterwards, he comes upon fresh foot prints in the snow, and recognizes one pair as Ardora’s. They must be close. The User pushes on, following the footsteps to some strange mythical ruins on the mountain side, some sort of a temple. He is met by Ashlan, Ganzer’s ally, and must defeat him to pass.]

The sect of the technophiles or humanists who live peacefully in a remote, fortified pocket of the earth. They have much technology, and are passive and friendly, conservatively morally-grounded intellectuals. They offer medicine to sick travelers and safe haven, give details on the fourth tier. Sinlis has a strong disliking for these people, as they choose not to fight, but to isolate, and have sterilized their own population for ethical reasons. Roy still very confused and paranoid, remains in bed where he is taken care of, until Sinlis sparks trouble and they must leave, making way towards...

CHAPTER 13 – Advice From the Orgiophant

The fourth tier. The sector of the hedonists or sexus cultus. A nihilistic, though non-aggressive society based around carnal and chemical indulgence; an apex of high society, mostly female, who reside in the psychedelic-gothic, meticulously-labyrinthine pocket known as the chapel of flesh. Stained glass, neon-lit walls with genital textures, strange music. Roy begins to lose his mind as he wanders throughout the marble corridors of this decadent and surreal maze. He is requested to meet with the orgiophant, the conductor or queen of this sect, who apparently can help direct him. She gives him pleasure and empathy drugs to ease his anxiety, and they spend the evening talking. A final calm before the storm...

CHAPTER 14 – Mortispolis

[Valcadis flashover, scene five. The eclipse is total. A tower resembling the branch of a tree uproots into the sky. Demon-like creatures descend from the sky and attack The User as he nears the mountains summit and the base of the tower. He encounters several allies and nemeses from his history in the game, before beginning up the seemingly never ending stairs, where Ganzer is taking Ardora. ]

Sector of the lost, the logicians, the heretics. A bizarre cult of mask-donning, non-violent psychos. Take drugs regularly, a kind of mix between acid and meth, called information eaters, IE’s (pronounced ‘ease’), also dis-IEs. This bizarre culture has an occult religion based on entropy, death, decay, etc. Engage in  necromancy, alchemy, arcane practices and live in a horrifying network of chambers, with digital libraries filled with obscure existential and misanthropic-themed books, real and imagined, as well as 'rubicon rooms' for the purpose of committing suicide and transmogrification vessels, to journey spatially, to see through time, or even to see one's own end, though it is unsure if this actually works or is an effect of the IE's, Roy is almost convinced to engage in this ritual, but instead holds the hand of one of the apostles and he sees for him. The man becomes very frightened and silent before killing himself and saying a few words. Roy begins to slip into terror and insanity.

 CHAPTER 15 – Kiss of Cozenage

[Valcadis flashover scene six. The climax to the Roy's journey to find Ganzer and save Ardora.  Roy reaches a Babel-esque tower.  eclipse, the sacrifice, a final battle, where is she?]

Crossing the Acheron, the underground waterway between the fourth tier and beyond. On the other side, just prior to the asylum, a betrayal.

CHAPTER 16 – Asylum, At Last

The firth tier and final sector: the asylum. Occupied by the immortals, or demiurges,  old men resembling baby faced, paled, wrinkled, blush cheeked, little boys, mutilated by horrendous surgeries.  Humanity at its most exponential mutation of evil.

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